Journey Dance
There is a universe of life dancing within each and every one of us. Each with our own rhythm, our own dance, and our own song. With the mother as the caretaker of our dance, we find the courage to let our guards down. The courage to yield. The freedom to be present in this moment and listen to our own inner voice.
Stand firmly in the foundation of your own feet as we venture outwards in all directions, finding our rhythm with all things. In grounded presence, we dance in community, finding that each person we encounter is sent to us as a teacher.
Through improvised movement we ride our own creative wave in harmony with the dance around us. Your journey will be gently guided, leaving each dancer the space to breath and simply be. Our dance is meditation in movement. A chance to play, a chance to pray. A chance to heal and reveal. Connect and respect. Sometimes pretty, sometimes gritty. A chance to practice the art of living consciously. Nothing fancy, nothing forced. Our dance is accompanied by music of all kinds, with an emphasis on world beats.
We are all dancers, sharing the same dance floor of life, each offering our own unique and cherished gifts. This dance warmly welcomes all souls, with deep honour and respect for each and every person who graces us by their simple presence.
For more on Journey Dance please visit:
Unconditional Dance
Unconditional Dance is a version of the Barefoot Boogie. Short & sweet warmup followed by improvised freedancing. You can use this time to strengthen whatever movement practices you currently have, to let loose, play, pray, heal, reveal or just simply be. Space held by Dodie & music by Dj Brian.
Mindful Motion - Conscious Ecstatic Dance
Offering a sanctuary for participants to practice the art of moving mindfully. With eyes wide open we explore our connections to self, other and community. Improvised movement with gentle inspiring guidance. Discover how the simple act of paying attention can elevate the ordinary to extraordinary. Nothing fancy, nothing forced. This class is an opportunity to delve deeply into movement as a practice. Welcoming all souls, regardless of movement or dance experience, with deep respect for each person that graces us by their simple presence. Honest facilitation by Dodie & music by Dj Brian.