Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reminder - Class this Sunday April 11th

Just a reminder that there will be a Journey Dance class this Sunday at the Routhier Centre in Lowertown from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. I am truly excited about Sunday's class. I have been deeply moved by the dance teachings I have been exposed to in my recent travels and have incorporated some of what resonated with me, into my own teaching practice. I feel this has added a new depth and adventure to my classes leaving generous opportunities for you as dancers to explore your own truth while in community with others. At times concepts will be explored for longer periods leaving for a seamless flow and a greater depth of experience.

This Sunday's class is inspired by Shamanic and other Ancient traditions. In these traditions wisdom, strength, and power is sought in the directions that surround us. These directions can represent seasons, animals, sentiments, colours, stages in the life cycle. In our fast paced lives we often move as if with blinders forward and fast! Let's take this time to explore every direction that surrounds us. What wisdom is held behind us? What strength & allies lie beside us? What magic lies above us? What support lies beneath us? Indeed each directions holds something special and unique for each of us and know that whatever direction you move, you are always moving forward. So this class and indeed each class really is an exploration of what happens when we ask the question, HOW DO I WANT TO MOVE IN THIS LIFE?